About VMTC

What is VMTC?

VMTC Prayer Ministry is a means God uses to bring His gifts of the Spirit to bear in the person’s life in a deeper fashion while he or she is surrounded by the Love of God. This frees the Fruit of the Spirit to grow and mature in the one receiving ministry.

Scripturally Based Approach

VMTC lovingly applies the Word of God with Spirit-filled anointed prayer. The sessions are built on a foundation of 150 verses of Scripture dealing with healing, deliverance, and the teaching ministry of Jesus.


Training Schools

VMTC Schools aim to train people to minister to others, bring personal healing and wholeness, and teach about areas of sin and bondage and the way to freedom. It also involves your own confidential prayer ministry session. As it is a training school, you will receive basic training in how to minister God’s healing and will also observe the ministry in action.


Scripturally Based Approach

VMTC lovingly applies the Word of God with Spirit-filled anointed prayer. The sessions are built on a foundation of 150 verses of Scripture dealing with healing, deliverance, and the teaching ministry of Jesus.

“Two-in-Agreement” Ministry

Each team is composed of one man and one woman ministering together in the unity of the Spirit to “set the captive free”.

In-Depth Dealing with Barriers

The VMTC “house-cleaning” session prepares the person to deal more effectively with relationships by removing the “hidden baggage” that cause confusion and loss of focus.This prayer ministry session prevents disruption and distraction from your goal of total commitment.

Adequate Time

Our focus is not on speed, but on conscientious attention to deal with long-standing problems and relationships. Our prayer ministers are committed to “going the distance” until a new level of lasting freedom is obtained. Some sessions may last 4 – 5 hours.

A Mission Toward Victorious Living

Capitalize on low hanging fruit to identify a ballpark value added activity to beta test. Override the digital divide.

VMTC Prayer Ministry Team Members

We practice what we preach. Each Prayer Minister has received Prayer Ministry at least 3 or 4 times. VMTC Team Members’ training involves “clinical training” with supervision and they must demonstrate they fulfill ministry standards.

VMTC Denominational Relationships

We have provided Clergy Schools of VMTC Prayer Ministry since 1971. Directed by an ecumenical board made of pastors, priests, laymen, and laywomen of different denominations within the body of Christ, the Church including:

  • Episcopal
  • Anglican
  • United Methodist
  • United Church of Christ
  • Disciples of Christ
  • Charismatic, non-denominational
  • Lutheran
  • Mennonite
  • Assembly of God
VMTC Intl. Ministry Locations

We have provided Clergy Schools of VMTC Prayer Ministry since 1971. Directed by an ecumenical board made of pastors, priests, laymen, and laywomen of different denominations within the body of Christ, the Church including:

  • England
  • Canada
  • Australia
  • Southeast Asia
  • Pakistan
  • New Zealand
  • Norway
  • Sweden
  • Finland
  • Papua New Guinea,  & Fiji
  • Kenya
  • Tanzania

Scripturally Based Approach

VMTC lovingly applies the Word of God with Spirit-filled anointed prayer. The sessions are built on a foundation of 150 verses of Scripture dealing with healing, deliverance, and the teaching ministry of Jesus.

Freed to Live
First Steps

These events introduce foundational concepts of VMTC and their scriptural premise. The emphasis is on each individual’s position in Christ and how this authority can bring personal freedom. 

Personal Ministry
Second Step

This is a simple but careful method of prayer ministry based on biblical teaching which includes cleansing from sin, healing, deliverance and empowering by Holy Spirit.

Third Step

A VMTC Team will usually come & lead a time of “Freed to Live” teaching after invitation by local Christian leaders to come & minister to their church or fellowship. 


Have Any Questions?

Learn prayer ministry skills that are scriptural, disciplined, Holy Spirit led and apply Jesus’ promises to hurting people. Person-to-person training is provided so that you can see others set free.