“And when a strong man armed keeps his palace, his goods are in peace: But when a stronger then he shall come upon him, and overcome him, he takes from him all his armor wherein he trusted, and divides his spoils” (Luk 11:22).

Now, here we have a very important lesson concerning prayer. The strong man in this case is Satan. He is armed, he is keeping his palace, his domain. But thank God we can come against the domain of Satan in the name of One who is stronger than Satan. In the name of Jesus Christ. And we, through the power and the authority of the name of Jesus Christ, can spoil the stronghold that Satan has in people’s lives.

I am amazed at the control that Satan is able to exercise over people. I have seen people’s lives who are so bound by the power of Satan, that they do not possess good common sense. They’re irrational in regards to spiritual things. And there are those that when you listen to them talk, you observe their habits, you see the power of Satan manifested in such a strong way, we oftentimes just sort of back away, and say, “Man, there is no help for that person; they are really gone.”

But that is because we are so overawed at the power of Satan to take hold of a person’s life, that we fail to realize that there is One that is stronger than Satan. The Bible says, “Greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world” (I John 4:4). And God has left us here in order that we might exercise that authority and power of the name of Jesus, by destroying the work of Satan in the lives of those people around us. By binding Satan’s power in the authority in the name of Jesus, setting them free from that terrible hold that Satan has upon them. And giving them the opportunity, without that cohesive force and power of Satan, perverting their reasoning processes, let them make a reasoning decision concerning their relationship to Jesus Christ.

“And so when one that is stronger comes, he overcomes him, and takes from him his armor.” Satan’s armor has been stripped. We have authority and power over him, in the name of Jesus Christ. And we need to exercise that authority and power.

Then Jesus said,

He that is not with me is against me (Luk 11:23);

There is no neutral ground. “What do you think of Christ?” “Well, I don’t know, I think He is a good man. He was a pretty good philosopher.” “Are you for Him?” “No, I am neutral.” “No, you’re not.” Jesus said, “If you’re not with Me, you’re against Me. If you’re not gathering, you’re scattering.”

Two types of people: the builders, and the destroyers. Those who gather, those who scatter. If you’re not gathering, you’re scattering. You can’t be neutral concerning Jesus Christ. He was a radical, you can’t be neutral concerning a radical. You’ve got to have an opinion. You’ve got to form a decision. And not to be for Him is to be against Him.

Now, Jesus having cast out this demon, teaches a little bit concerning demons. And He said,

When an unclean spirit is gone out of a man, he walks through dry places, seeking rest (Luk 11:24);

So there is the intimation that demons, when they are not inhabiting a body, are restless. They seek to find a body to inhabit. And so when an unclean spirit is driven out of a body, through the authority in the power of the name of Jesus Christ, they wander through the wilderness areas restless, seeking rest, seeking a body to inhabit.

and finding none, he said, I will return to the house from whence I came out (Luk 11:24).

Now, evidently there are certain conditions which open the doors for demons to enter in to a person’s body. There are other conditions which prohibit a demon from entering into a person’s body. Jesus teaches that they looked for a body to inhabit. Evidently there are things that can restrict their entrance into a body. And I believe that that which can restrict, and does restrict, is the will of man. I do not believe that a demon can enter into a person against that person’s will. Whether the person be born again or not. I do not believe that they can violate the free will of man, as far as taking possession of a body. But people are often getting involved in the occult, into those areas of spiritism, where they are opening themselves to the entrance of demon entities. And by dabbling in the occult, by playing around with Ouija boards, or any of these things that have an occultish aspect to them, you are opening the doors for these demons, as you are seeking them to somehow mystically guide your destiny with the movement of the marker or with some other type of manifestation. And I believe that when you start getting into these areas, that you are beginning to open the door for demons to come, and begin to advise you, begin to direct you, they can inspire people in writing interesting detective stories. They can bring you fame, and the spirit writing, and all of these things are doors by which you can open yourself to being possessed by a demon entity. And so, I cannot warn you too much against the dangers of dabbling with those areas of spiritism, contacts with spirits and all, because it is in those areas where you can open the door that demons can come in. But I do not believe that they can come into a person against that person’s will.

As God honors the free will of man, I think He forces Satan to honor the free will of man. So Satan comes in by guise. He leads you into the areas of dabbling into the occult, where gradually become open to these things.

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